Friday, July 26, 2024

LIVE: Netanyahu delivers speech before Congress

**********************************************************I watched the whole speech this morning. A spirit of evil hovered over the capital, as Netnyahu read his script. It's as if it was written by the devil himself...G%

Thursday, July 25, 2024

9/11: ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings (September 11, 2001)

Rummy ~ A Neocon that later got into the prescription drug business ~ Pfizer comes to mind

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

John Prine - Live on Austin City Limits (1978)

Netanyahu protest live

Netanyahu is the only one who believes his own lies. Is he aware that there are 10,000 jews in NY that are aware that he is not even Jewish. In fact, because of his delusions of grandiour, this fact will be recognised by everyone that owns a cell phone. There is an old saying regarding to this, ~ "Ignorance is bliss" ~ but it is usually mentioned in regard to folks with a low IQ. If his is above 100 I surmise that he is advocate of pure unadulterated evil. ~ sincerly ...zzzZ G%

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

IN FULL: Donald Trump's first speech after assassination attempt

~ Do you remember The Whole Earth Catalog from the 1960's? Not that it would solve anything, but it would at least give an illusion of hope. We all played with Frizbee's in those days. We also had a left wing publication, in San Francisco called The Oracle which headlined a political cartoon of "One nation under God". It was pretty far out, but doesn't compare to the unpremeditated gall of the current cartoon character that is trying to get re-elected as president today. ...zzzZZZ

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Third Tower 1/2

~ Truth is always obvious and can be found in the NMSM ~ Non Main Stream Media ~ You can usually find a Wikipedia reference under the video in the NMSM that is a work of fiction ~ They no longer use the Encylopedia Brittannica referance, probably because it was too outragious for even the globalist elite ~ You can believe some of the media all the time ~ and all of the media some of the time ~ but you can't believe all of the media all of the time...G%

The Third Tower 2/2

...zzzZ An example of NMSM ~aka~ Non main stream media that still exists in the Googleplex. The MSM is now owned and operated by corporate entities who are rewarded for their lies. Fairy tales, like Jack and the Beanstalk, can now be presented as truth to anyone with a cell phone. All they need now is the AI human brain interface. Much respect for these folks who have been in the NMSM since day one ~ sincerely ..(G%

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Undocumented Americans Living in Tijuana, Working in San Diego

.................................................................................................................................................................................Undocumented Americans Living in Tijuana, Working in San Diego...Matter of Fact...... Jul 14, 2018......................... America is facing a housing crisis. Americans earning minimum wage are unable to afford the average rent for a decent two-bedroom apartment in any state, county or metro area. California is facing some of the worst of it – there are only 22 affordable rental homes available per 100 extremely low-income households. But some southern California workers have a creative solution to the financial squeeze: living abroad. Correspondent Jessica Gomez has the story of U.S. citizens making a daily international commute.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Mika on Biden: 'You don't know what you have until it's gone'

The idea of choosing between two obviously unfit and corrupt ex presidents tells me that Kool Aide is much more dangerous than coffee. Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter should wake up and remember how he played chess. Never bring out the queen until the knights are on guard and the bishops have done their work ~ Personly, I will do a write in vote ...zzzZZZ