Monday, August 11, 2008

John McLame nails it: "There will be other wars"


  1. Ha-ha-ha! Well, either the elitists have reached a new apex in utter arrogance, or McCain is the biggest, most colossal cannon rolling all over the Republican poop deck!

    "Bush on steroids"? LOL! I... don't think so! More like Bush with his cock stuck in a live wall socket.

    Bush is easier to understand than that Mexican guy, anyway... barely.

  2. In my view, Casper makes Duhhbya look almost like a human. A gutless wrinkled old sack of crap, talking about sending real people to kill other real people. I guess the Neocons need somebody in there who isn't capable of carrying on a decent conversation...G:

  3. I guess the Neocons need somebody in there who isn't capable of carrying on a decent conversation...

    As Highway would say, you can't have anyone with an above single digit IQ being pResident of the Empire and be a good patsie too.

    Jesus, this NWO/zionist cabal is the most arrogant and ignorant in recent history, and these assholes go back a long way!

    They just don't get that they've been check-mated in Central Asia by Russia and if they try their elitist bullshit with Iran, the Russian Bear will tear them a new asshole there too!

    Bu$hco knows this, that's why he just drinks more beer and blows more toot now, and his little neo-zion butt-buddies are having epileptic fits because he never set more of the Middle East ablaze!

    Suck it up girls, you just got rode hard and put away wet by Pooty-Poot, fuckin' hilarious!
