Zoelick approved by World Bank

Houston Indymedia
by ARC Friday, Jun. 01, 2007 at 10:16 AM
Henry Paulson, Josh Bolten, Robert Zoellick, Jon Corzine, and Robert Rubin consider the US government the operating branch of Goldman Sachs 5 of the Goldman Sachs White House
Goldman Sachs operative to head World Bank
The Wall St. firm which triggered
the crash of 1929* continues
leaving a trail of blood.
5 Goldman Sachs men in government
Henry Paulson, Josh Bolten, Robert Zoellick, Jon Corzine, and Robert Rubin consider the US government the operating branch of Goldman Sachs 5 of the Goldman Sachs White House
A Goldman Sachs operative, Robert Zoellick, who has worked for G H W
Bush and James Baker, partners in
the war profiteering Carlyle Group, will
head the World Bank. Recently he
had left the position of number 2 man
at the Condoleezza Rice headed
State Dept. to join Goldman Sachs.
Other Goldman Sachs operatives
are Henry Paulson, Secretary of
the Treasury, Joshua Bolten, White
House Chief of Staff, Gov Corzine
of NJ. Paulson and Corzine
are former CEO's.
Paulson further destroyed Nature
Conservancy tracts by introducing
cattle to them, multiplying animal agony and
furthering the deforestation which is the prime cause of global warming.
Texas Pacific and Goldman Sachs
have interlocking connections to
Burger King. Are the Nature Conservancy cows ending up
on BK plates?
Goldman Sachs is invested in
many war profiteer, anti environment
and animal slaughter concerns.
A former US Secretary of the Treasury,
Robert Rubin, was part of a campaign
with Jeffrey Sachs and others to
destabilize the Russian economy
and plunge millions into poverty.
He had worked 26 years at Goldman
Sachs and was appointed by Clinton.
ReplyDeleteNo surprise here either geezer-dude.