Former Army Sec, Enron VP, Thomas White Wants Gov’t Funding For New Energy Project
Published on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 by CommonDreams.org
Former Army Sec, Enron VP, Thomas White Wants Gov’t Funding For New Energy Project
by Jason Leopold
Beware. This could be your tax dollars at work.
The federal government may guarantee hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to help a former energy executive who publicly admitted he had no idea that the division he once ran cooked its books and who is now trying to secure funding for a new energy company he started with three ex-colleagues.
Yes, Thomas White, the former vice chairman of Enron Energy Services and one-time Secretary of the Army, who testified before the U.S. Senate more than two years ago that he was clueless about the tactics the employees who worked for him used to manipulate electricity prices in the California power market in addition to the massive losses EES—under his leadership—hid in an effort to keep its parent company, Enron Corp, temporarily afloat, is back in the energy business and this time he’s looking for a handout.
DKRW will build a pipe line from LGN in facility Sonora Mexico to El Paso Corporation in Texas
Puerto Libertad (Pending at Mexican Regulatory Agencies) -- Puerto Libertad, Mexico; Gulf of California, Sonora Pacific LNG (DKRW Energy LLC); Sendout 1.3 Bcf/d; Service in mid-2008; About 500 MMcf/d of regasified LNG deliveries are expected to be directed to the Sonora marketplace with the remaining 800 MMcf/d delivered to markets in the southwestern United States via pipeline connections planned with El Paso Natural Gas, which is building the pipeline infrastructure. DKRW recently purchased 1,500 acres of property from the state of Sonora, Mexico.
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