Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Old Shell Game: Single Payer Health Care off the table

This is a repost  from  September 29, 2009. If  there was anything left on the table, most of it was consumed by the Corporate Medical Insurance Complex...G%

Hmm, so we are supposed to believe that the controversy is about whether we have a public option or not, while the majority of us still want single pay health care, including many doctors and health care workers. The corporate government has decided that we should settle for busine$$ as usual, and in e$$ence will be happy, even with the public option. This is a rigged game folks and we need to call bullsh*te
Public plan debate could pit Democrat vs. Democrat


WASHINGTON — Democrats sought to give government the right to sell insurance in competition with private industry Tuesday as the Senate Finance Committee opened a second week of debate over massive health care legislation.

"We need this option because the insurance companies have failed to meet their obligation" to the public, said Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., accusing firms of putting profits over their customers.

He said that without his proposal, consumers would face substantial premium increases once health care legislation takes effect.

Republicans countered that private companies would eventually be forced out of business, and argued that millions would be forced to get their insurance from the government.

"Washington is not the answer," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

Rockfeller's proposal, and a second one drafted by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., faced uncertain prospects as the committee debated legislation that generally fell along lines outlined by President Barack Obama.

While Democrats hold a majority on the committee, the legislation advanced by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., omitted the so-called public option. Moderate Democrats on and off the committee oppose it, and Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, the Republican seen as most likely to support the bill, has also spoken against it.


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