Saturday, November 24, 2012

Walking a Mile in Obama's $hoes

 It is becoming more apparent that holding the office of POTUS is not necessarily a position of authority or power. I have, for a long time believed the president of this country was only a figurehead, but the last ten years has confirmed it beyond a doubt. That Duhbya was elected...twice!?... seemed impossible to any of us who embraced peace and justice, but the situation with Obama has, to me, proven to be just as outrageous as the Neoconservative takeover of the White House. As far as the World situation...I can only compare it to the good vs evil fantasies from the old Superman comics. Science fiction has become a reality and Lux Luthor lives in the atrocities that have become commonplace in the Middle East, Africa, and anywhere that our fellow shuman's are struggling for $urvival. The good news is... the bad news will be delayed untill after the next commercial..

Now it’s payback time! Why Obama should bust Netanyahu for 9/11

Veterans Today

by Kevin Barrett, for Press TV

All observers admit it: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did everything in his power to destroy President Barack Obama’s political career.

President Obama should return the favor.

He should destroy Netanyahu’s career in the biggest, most spectacular way possible – by busting Netanyahu for 9/11.

The major US and international media, owned and operated by cheerleaders for Israel, are so terrified by this prospect that they are trying to pretend it is “business as usual” between the US and Israel – maybe even between Obama and Netanyahu – despite the obvious blood feud between the US president and the Israeli prime minister.

One exception: The post-election Yahoo News story headlined “Obama victory spells trouble for Israel’s Netanyahu.” The author, Jeffrey Heller, writes: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces an even more awkward time with Washington and re-energized critics at home who accused him on Wednesday of backing the loser in the US presidential election. With Iran topping his conservative agenda, Netanyahu will have to contend with a strengthened second-term Democratic president after four years of frosty dealings with Barack Obama and a rift over how to curb Tehran’s nuclear program.”

    Heller’s article frames the dispute between Obama and Netanyahu according to the Israeli propaganda template. It suggests that Obama’s only two choices are (a) to launch a major war against Iran, as desired by Netanyahu, or (b) to continue imposing sanctions to starve the Iranian people, in order to punish Iran’s leaders for pursuing a peaceful nuclear energy program – a program that is completely legal under international law, unlike Israel’s massive, illegal nuclear weapons program!

These may be the only two choices that are acceptable to Israel. But they are not the only choices available to Americans.

American strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1999 book The Grand Chessboard, pointed out that the most important single element of a viable US strategy in Eurasia is friendship with Iran. What Brzezinski did not state outright, but left for the discerning reader to discover “between the lines,” is that Israel is badly damaging US national interests by forcing the US to be an enemy of Iran.

Israel hates Iran because Iran’s leaders, like the vast majority of the people of the Middle East, do not accept apartheid Israel as a legitimate state.

That is indeed a problem for Israel. But why is it a problem for the US?

If the US maintained good relations with Iran – not a client state relationship as existed under the Shah, but a friendship-of-equals based on mutual respect and shared interests – the US strategic position in Eurasia would be greatly enhanced.

Then why is the US starving the Iranian people, murdering Iranian scientists, paying MEK terrorists to bomb and kill large numbers of innocent people, and generally doing everything it can to hurt Iran? The short answer: Because Israeli interests dictate US Mideast policy.

Some apologists for Israel claim that it’s really about US dollar hegemony. They say that Iran’s move to sell oil and gas in other currencies threatens the US dollar, which is why the US is so antagonistic to Iran.

What these critics don’t understand is that the US dollar is not the US dollar. It’s the Zionist dollar.

The US dollar is issued by the Federal Reserve, a private corporation owned by the biggest “American” banks. But those banks are not really American. The leading banksters who create American dollars out of nothing, backed by nothing, are ethnically Jewish and primarily loyal to the state of Israel.

After all, the Rothschild family, the biggest of the “eight families,” created Israel as its base of criminal operations. Even mainstream historians admit that Lord Rothschild created Israel in 1917 by handing the British an offer they couldn’t refuse: “We can win World War I for you, by dragging America into the war – but in return, you must give us Palestine.”

To put it simply: The Rothschild-led bankster cartel has been occupying Palestine since 1917. And it has been occupying the USA since the Federal Reserve coup d’état of 1913.

So the US and Iran are actually allies, not adversaries, in the battle against Zionist dollar hegemony.

The Zionist bankster cartel that prints our currency out of thin air can easily print enough money to buy up virtually all major Western media. That’s why most Westerners have unconsciously accepted a pro-Israel world-view.

The banksters also have enough money to buy as many politicians as they need. That is why the US Congress and the White House are Israeli-occupied territory.

Read more at Veterans Today

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