Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is Cheney taking the same pill as "Rush" Limbaugh

This is Keith Olbermann's Top 9/11 Story: The Promotion Of Failure In Bush Administration. It was aired in September 2007 and presents a powerful statement about the Bu$h administration. Some of the 911 truth movement criticized Olbermann for not mentioning that 911 was an inside job, while not even considering the ramifications of his doing so. An open and independent investigation is what is needed, and this is what the people of this country want. I'm sure that Olbermann would agree on that, but 911 is only one of 945 issues or more that need to be addressed.

Darth Cheney expresses his fondness for Rush Limpballs, like he is the only voice in the corpo-media, but hopefully he isn't taking the same pill as "Rush".
Oxycontin is pretty powerful stuff and it would be nice if Darth lived to be a ripe old age because it might be a while before he is put on the stand, or in stocks in front of the Lincoln Memorial building, or at least made to answer for his crimes.

Attention Dick Cheney

May 27, 2009 at 07:27:04

Diary Entry by Dean Hartwell

This letter calls out Dick Cheney and asks him to explain not just how he made us safer from terrorism during his time in office, but it also questions whether he should be indicted for participating in the attacks of 9/11.

Read it on


  1. Darth saying that he protected 'Murrika from turrists by torturing Muslims is like killing one million Iraqis because Sadaam Hussien caused 9/ a

    Where's the exit to this rabbit-hole?

  2. Damn, must be takin' the same pills!

    Don't like the buzz though!

  3. Dunno dad, can't remember which one I took. Has anyone seen a mirror around?

    Rush on a rush
