Friday, September 19, 2008

The real Maverick files suit against McCain

James Garner Files Suit Against McCain: Claims Infringement on Maverick Trademark

Steve Young

September 9, 2008

James Garner, who played the original Maverick - Bret - on TV, has filed a restraining order on behalf of Jack Kelly (Bart) , Roger Moore (Beau) and Robert Colbert (Brent), demanding that John McCain and Sarah Palin cease and desist referring to themselves as Maverick or Mavericks.

“It’s not like me or my fake brothers go around saying we’re POW’s,” claimed the still ruggedly handsome Garner. “And if you can be damn sure, other than those rumors about Moore, we never wore lipstick.”

McCain and Palin have been running commercials saying they’re “Mavericks” because of their stance against their own party.

“If they were ever on the set of Maverick, they would know that we were never against having any kind of party,” added Garner.


McMaverick~The Movie

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