Monday, August 04, 2008

Ancient bust of Ceaser looks like Bu$h

Divers find Caesar bust that may date to 46 B.C.

May. 13, 2008

PARIS - Divers trained in archaeology discovered a marble bust of an aging Caesar in the Rhone River that France's Culture Ministry said Tuesday could be the oldest known.

The life-sized bust showing the Roman ruler with wrinkles and hollows in his face is tentatively dated to 46 B.C. Divers uncovered the Caesar bust and a collection of other finds in the Rhone near the town of Arles — founded by Caesar.

These are strange times folks and I don't think a phenomena like this should go unreported. Who knows what strange forces lurk in the mind of Bu$hco?...G:

1 comment:

  1. Highway would say that the elites watch their bloodlines very closely and it could very much be a possibility that Caesar could be a Bu$h ancestor.

    Caesar did have a son with Cleopatra. He was taken away and hidden when it was obvious that Octavian was going to be Imperiator.

    And these assholes liken themselves to be present day Pharaohs.
