Posted October 16, 2006
Even as Iraq verges on splintering into a sectarian civil war, four big oil companies are on the verge of locking up its massive, profitable reserves, known to everyone in the petroleum industry as "the prize."
Iraq is sitting on a mother lode of some of the lightest, sweetest, most profitable crude oil on earth, and the rules that will determine who will control it and on what terms are about to be set.
The Iraqi government faces a December deadline, imposed by the world's wealthiest countries, to complete its final oil law. Industry analysts expect that the result will be a radical departure from the laws governing the country's oil-rich neighbors, giving foreign multinationals a much higher rate of return than with other major oil producers and locking in their control over what George Bush called Iraq's "patrimony" for decades, regardless of what kind of policies future elected governments might want to pursue.
Even as Iraq verges on splintering into a sectarian civil war, four big oil companies are on the verge of locking up its massive, profitable reserves, known to everyone in the petroleum industry as "the prize."
Iraq is sitting on a mother lode of some of the lightest, sweetest, most profitable crude oil on earth, and the rules that will determine who will control it and on what terms are about to be set.
The Iraqi government faces a December deadline, imposed by the world's wealthiest countries, to complete its final oil law. Industry analysts expect that the result will be a radical departure from the laws governing the country's oil-rich neighbors, giving foreign multinationals a much higher rate of return than with other major oil producers and locking in their control over what George Bush called Iraq's "patrimony" for decades, regardless of what kind of policies future elected governments might want to pursue.
Petraeus: use terrorism to force passage of hydrocarbon law
Aug 28, 2007
Petraeus said it himself during an interview with Charlie Rose on April 26, 2007:
"We have gone to great lengths to practice what every counterinsurgency manual ever published says, and that is if you want to secure a population, you have to live with it. You have to be there with an enduring presence so that they know you're not going to leave....And then we have to use population control methods, if you will, barriers to prevent vehicles from just moving freely so that, in fact, once you've cleared a neighborhood, you can, indeed, actually hold it. Now, hopefully with the support of the population you're securing."
Think about that... "hopefully"
"...and then gradually get a grip on neighborhood after neighborhood, employ population control techniques, and get the population to support what's going on."
"Sometimes, in fact, what comes out of all of them is a bit discordant. So it's not enough to pressure Maliki. It's not to say, Prime Minister, you must produce this legislation. You really have to help him encourage all the different factions and political parties to get something done in Iraq"
Gosh, General, what legislation would that be?
"...the Council of Ministers approved hydrocarbon law, or any of these other activities that they have actually successfully concluded."
"...I think the dog closest to the sled is the hydrocarbon law, as it's called....Iraq is generating enormous oil wealth on a daily basis, a yearly basis, and it needs to distribute those - it has committed in the law that was approved by the Council of Ministers that those revenues would be distributed .."
"...they just discovered it, say in Anbar province within the last month or so, which by the way will take Iraq to the second highest oil reserves we believe in the world."
Oh, that legislation! The one that the vultures in Dubai are so eagerly awaiting!
"General David Petraeus: Yes. So this is colossal potential, and the potential wealth and the -- the wealth right now is substantial."
So, what can we expect from the good General in September?
" I walked down the street of the city of heat, which you couldn't have fought your way down a couple of months ago, eating an ice cream cone with a soft cap on next to the mayor..."
Wow! Peace has been established in Iraq? Got any more bald-faced lies for us, General? Keep smiling... how many Iraqis have your covert ops teams killed this week, you oily bloodstained psyops monkey?
By the way, we can be sure that Maliki's failure to pass the hydrocarbon law is the real reason that Democratic! senators Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin called for his removal and replacement by Allawi (aka "the Tool").
Update on the oil law
- the puppet leaders of the Cabinet have approved it, but the Parliament still refuses to ratify it, and the Iraqi oil unions remain completely opposed.
Petraeus will now ramp up the terror in a desperate attempt to beat the Sept 2 Dubai deadline.
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