Everything that we do to make our ass comfortable does harm to the environment. We put concrete and asphalt everywhere for our convenience and if something green comes up through the cracks, we put some herbacide on it. Anyways we have streets, cul-de-sacs, highways, parking lots, roofs, yadayada...And we make sure that the water makes it to a ditch or drain...yadayada..creek river ocean, insuring that there will be less plant life.
Yaknow...Us hippy's was concerned about this problem in the 1960's, like Mother Earth magazine and The Whole Earth Catalog, like Buckminster Fuller and wind generators. Now we have to listen to a lot of Bush*t on the subject. It doesn't make a fig if human beans did it or not, lets do something about it and start working with our hands. We thought it was a tough problem then, and know damned well that it is now a monumental problem.

Stories in the Ice
Stories in the Ice
by Peter Tyson
Online Producer, NOVA
Nature's Time Machine
How would you like to have a time machine that could take you back anywhere over the past 300,000 years? You could see what the world was like when ice sheets a thousand feet thick blanketed Canada and northern Europe, or when the Indonesian volcano Toba blew its top in the largest volcanic eruption of the last half million years.
Well, scientists have such a time machine. It's called an ice core. Scientists collect ice cores by driving a hollow tube deep into the miles-thick ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland (and in glaciers elsewhere). The long cylinders of ancient ice that they retrieve provide a dazzlingly detailed record of what was happening in the world over the past several ice ages. That's because each layer of ice in a core corresponds to a single year--or sometimes even a single season--and most everything that fell in the snow that year remains behind, including wind-blown dust, ash, atmospheric gases, even radioactivity.
Indeed, fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident has turned up in ice cores, as has dust from violent desert storms countless millennia ago. Collectively, these frozen archives give scientists unprecedented views of global climate over the eons. More important, the records allow researchers to predict the impact of significant events--from volcanic eruptions to global warming
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