Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dubya Prepares for State of the Union Speech

In the upcoming State of the union speech on Tuesday, George hopes to impress the Democrats to achieve compromise. I can well imagine that Nancy Pelosi will be impressed. Heh heh, but not quite as much as will Steney Hoyer.

There will be four speech writers working on this project, including Cheneys head speech writer. There was no disclosure of the details and no mention of soaring rhetoric, But it was said that the president was not much interested in “flowery language.”

At this point, Mr. Bush is well into rehearsing. By Friday, he had already had several run-throughs in the family theater of the White House, with officials including Stephen J. Hadley, the national security adviser, and Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, listening in.

Yes sir ladies and gents, prepare to be impressed, and know that he speaks from the gut. We're liable to hear anything but meat frying and money jingling.

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