Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dubya gets early word from Iraq Study Group...LOL

Do you believe this one?

By Steve Holland
Tuesday, December 5, 2006; 12:02 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - By Steve Holland
Tuesday, December 5, 2006; 12:02 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

President Bush gets an early description on Iraq Study Group report of a bipartisan panel's findings on Iraq on Tuesday but the White House said he was not "tensing for a punch" from a report expected to offer options for a change of course.
of a bipartisan panel's findings on Iraq on Tuesday but the White House said he was not "tensing for a punch" from a report expected to offer options for a change of course.

The word is out that Dubya is getting the early word on a study that was completed on Nov. 30th.

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