
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Yael Eckstein joins Ben Shapiro to discuss War in Israel

7 16 2024 zzzZZZ Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted here. The bad news is that there is no good news. The good news is now a figment of some of the most awful things that the M$M can imagine. We all know, if we follow our intuition, that the Beat Generation got it right when they dropped out and tuned in ~ to the happenings in the early 1960's. I still held down a job in those times, but as a week end hippy, I had psychodeliic experiences that definately changed my perception of ~ yaknow ~ a lot of time laughing, which led to meditation~~* Lookin back from the here and now ~ I think that most of us can see that we have lost our freedom and that Big Brother that we talked about has not been kind. Beware of in$titutions that will try to change your mind...B2C & C2B..G%

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