Netanyahu is the only one who believes his own lies. Is he aware that there are 10,000 jews in NY that are aware that he is not even Jewish. In fact, because of his delusions of grandiour, this fact will be recognised by everyone that owns a cell phone. There is an old saying regarding to this, ~ "Ignorance is bliss" ~ but it is usually mentioned in regard to folks with a low IQ. If his is above 100 I surmise that he is advocate of pure unadulterated evil. ~ sincerly ...zzzZ G%
If you click on this you will find that there is no longer a live stream. There was a black stream, then Max managed to get some video on line a couple of times, then just black screen with sound with sound. I recorded some ot this with a camera. Will see how it turned out.
If you click on this you will find that there is no longer a live stream. There was a black stream, then Max managed to get some video on line a couple of times, then just black screen with sound with sound. I recorded some ot this with a camera. Will see how it turned out.