
Monday, December 10, 2007

Seymour Hersch: WH Already Knew About NIE


06 December 2007

By: Raleigh-Elizabeth Smith

Sy Hersch told Wolf Blitzer Tuesday that the Bush Administration has long known what the outcome of the NIE would be -but proceeded with serious sanctions and military threats anyway. And that's a course that the WH clearly intends to still see through; while it might seem a novel concept - responsibility and accountability - it seems like this would be a good opportunity for Bush to actually apologize. "Sorry, Dinny, I was a little off..."

So we're left to conclude that W knows something we don't - I am guessing that if he ever were to say sorry, Hell might freeze over (then where would all those liberals go?). So instead, we get the "I am always right!" mandate: he wants to know about the old nuclear program. And he wants to know about it now. Ah, the White House: making kindergarten school yard politics look mature, four years at a time.

1 comment:

  1. This is all acting for the unwashed heathens G:. The Bu$hco and Cheneyburton show will keep rattling the sabors until January 2009. They know the US is too broke to start another front. But they figure they have to keep "propelling" the propaganda and fear in order for the sheep to give up more of what's left of our freedoms.
