
Sunday, September 09, 2007



Zeitgeist is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age", literally translated as "time (Zeit) spirit (Geist)". It describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events.

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 1 of 5)

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 2 of 5)

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 3 of 5)

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 4 of 5)

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 5 of 5)


  1. Hmmm, viewing only past events?

    Sci-fi author William Gibson (Neuromancer) describes today as one of his dystopian futures, he finds it exciting!

    Isn't there a Chinese curse about "interesting" times?

  2. Yep...I remember the day my old friend Sloper, who had just returned from Amsterdam. mentioned something that I never really thought about as he quietly mentioned "It's all history". Far out, I thought out loud as the here and now started fading, all I'm thinking about is history...
    Profound revelation number 2345. All and everything is right here but what I think about it is in the past. This does seem like a curse of some kind, but I don't really know if it is Chinese...G:

    Sorry for the late video's, I was viewing the whole movie and fell asleep........zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ
