
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Violence mars G8 protest in Germany

News Europe

Clashes have left at least 150 police officers injured after thousands of people marched through the northern German port city of Rostock on Saturday to protest against the forthcoming Group of Eight meeting of industrialised powers.

The summit will be hosted by Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, in Heiligendamm, 25km west of Rostock.

Some covered their heads and faces with black hoods, sunglasses and scarves, while others chanted protest slogans through megaphones, blowing whistles and waving flags.

Groups of protesters attacked police cars with rocks, bottles and paint bombs, authorities said.

They said a hotel where a US delegation is supposed to stay during the G8 summit was also attacked.

Rocks and broken beer bottles lay on the ground in front of a bank building where protesters smashed half a dozen windows.

Most stores along the route had boarded up there windows before the protests - with the exception of sausage stands and other fast food restaurants.

Riot police deployed

Around 13,000 police were on hand, and authorities said about 30,000 protesters had come for the daylong demonstration under the motto "another world is possible".

Riot police had been deployed in advance and officers videotaped the demonstration.

Police helicopters hovered overhead as demonstrators marched behind a truck blowing out soap bubbles and carrying a rock band that played anti-globalisation songs like "Block G8".


  1. Hi Geezer Power!

    I really appreciate your contribution to the cause of peace and your struggle against war and violence. It is a huge task. And there are many around the world who are longing for peace and want to see an end to the war of terror unleashed by the ultraconservatives in Washington. You know American Imperialism and Zionism in close co-operation have created a havoc in the Middle East and the rest of the world. We can only inform others what is happening.
